7 Bachelor-Party Rules Every Man Needs to Know

March 2024 · 3 minute read
It's all fun and games until the groom ends up on the roof. Getty Images

Friends don't let friends walk down the aisle without a memorable "last night of freedom."


But before you start stuffing your wallet with singles, there are some rules you should know for bachelor parties.

Heed these tips and you'll actually remember all the fun you're about to have.

RULE #1: If you're the best man, you're the party planner.

First order of business: Find out what the groom wants to do. Does he want to tear up Las Vegas, or would he rather sit around with his buds and smoke cigars? Not all bachelor parties involve tons of booze and strippers. If he doesn't want strippers (perhaps because of an agreement with his fiancée), don't "surprise" him. Once the groom decides the night's festivities, it's your job to make them happen.

RULE #2: The groom pays for nothing.

All costs should be split equally among those attending the party. So if you're going away for the weekend, start saving your pennies. Best man: It's your responsibility to collect the money, so start early.

All expenses should be split among the guests. Flickr/401(k) 2013

RULE #3: The guest list is the groom's call.

Some grooms want to invite family, friends, and colleagues, while others want only friends. Bottom line: It's his call. If you have a problem with someone on the guest list, remember why you both are there and avoid conflict.


RULE #4: No hazing.

Do not embarrass the groom and certainly do not put him in danger, unless you want to explain to the bride why her soon-to-be-husband is wearing a cast.

Phil, Stu, and Alan are not your role models. YouTube/kareem kh90

RULE #5: Don't act as if you're at a frat party.

A few shots in honor of the groom is fine. Chasing shots by shotgunning beers? Probably not. As I said earlier, you want the groom to actually remember his last night of freedom. Drink and be merry, but if the groom ends up sunburned on a rooftop in Las Vegas, you've gone too far.

Pace yourself: Blacking out shouldn't be your goal. Flickr/morberg

RULE #6: Figure out transportation before the night (or weekend) starts.

Best man: Put this on your growing to-do list. Plan how guests will get to and from the destination — especially when alcohol is involved. Having a member of your crew commit to being the designated driver is great, but if no one's volunteering, you need to arrange for car service. Remember: the groom pays for nothing.

RULE #7: The party isn't over until the groom says it's over.

If the groom wants to stay a little longer, you stay. If he wants to leave, you leave. If he thinks you're drinking too much, you switch to water. Without the groom there would be no bachelor party, so he is in charge of everything.
