The Street Profits Earn Tag Title Shot On 11/17 WWE SmackDown

April 2024 · 1 minute read

The Street Profits earned themselves a shot at the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships on Friday, coming out on top in a big six-man tag team match.

In a bout against Pretty Deadly and The Brawling Brutes, the Street Profits were able to come out on top after a chaotic start. In the end, they hit the Revelation on Ridge Holland for the win. Now, they’ll get a shot at the titles next week, in a match against The Judgment Day just a few days before Survivor Series: WarGames.

For a recap of how the match ended, check out below courtesy of our live, play-by-play coverage:

Ford and Dawkins beat down Prince and Butch. Prince and Wilson take control after a double team on Ford and Butch. Holland hits the ring and fires up. Holland clears the ring. The Profits break up the Brutes’ ten beats attempt and get pounded instead. Wilson and Prince sent Holland into the ring steps. Bobby Lashley is watching the match from backstage. B-Fab walks in and wants to speak to Lashley. Back in the ring, Butch accidentally Brogue Kicks Holland. The Street Profits hit the Revelation on Holland for the win.
