What happened to Terrel Williams? Boxer who left Prichard Colon paralyzed had a traumatic time over

April 2024 · 4 minute read

The lives of Terrel Williams and Prichard Colon changed forever following their fight on October 17, 2015.

Colon was hit with multiple illegal strikes to the back of his head. Despite telling the referee about it, he was told to "take care of it" himself. The illegal strikes from Williams continued and 'Digget' was knocked down in the later rounds of their fight.

Colon somehow managed to get back up to his feet but complained about feeling dizzy. However, he was still cleared to fight by the ringside doctor. In the ninth round of the fight, his corner decided to take off his gloves and stop the fight. After the fight, 'Digget' started to puke and was taken to the hospital where he was diagnosed with brain bleeding and went into a coma for over 200 days.

It is worth noting that Colon has shown steady but slow progress in recovering. As of now, he is taken care of by his mother and uses a motorized wheelchair to move. While life has been tough for the 31-year-old, it hasn't been all that easy for Williams as well.

Williams has been crucified since the fight, especially by the family of Prichard Colon. Speaking about how his fight against Colon impacted his life during an interview back in 2018, Williams had this to say (H/T WBN):

“I pray for Prichard every day. That’s never going to change. I wish him nothing but peace and health. No one wants what happened to Prichard to happen to anybody. All boxers are brothers. I would never intentionally harm someone like that."

He added:

“But there has been a lot of malicious stuff that’s said about me, especially from the Colon family. If that is how they’re going to cope with it and it helps them heal, then that’s what it is."

Prichard Colon vs. Terrel Williams: What's the status of his lawsuit?

Following the horrific refereeing and oversight by the ringside doctor to allow him to fight, a lawsuit was brought forward by Prichard Colon's parents.

Colon's family filed a lawsuit worth $50 million against Dr. Richard Ashby, HeadBangers Boxing, and DiBella Entertainment. However, there's been very little movement in the case since it was brought forward in 2017. The case still hasn't moved to trial. It remains to be seen if any progress is made in the case in the future.

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