
April 2024 ยท 3 minute read

Origins and Objectives: was established in 2011 with a dual purpose: first, to furnish essential information for individuals grappling with substance abuse and behavioral addictions, whether personally or within their social circles; and second, to connect these individuals with treatment programs and rehabilitation centers tailored to their specific needs. The overarching goal is to raise awareness and provide crucial assistance, ultimately saving families and lives.

Educational Resources: offers a wealth of educational content, addressing addiction, behavioral disorders, drug-related crime, drug policies, and recovery. This content is curated to provide insights, guidance, and support for those navigating the complexities of addiction. To ensure accuracy and relevance, collaborates with treatment professionals who are leaders in their respective fields, leveraging their expertise to create informative, often visually engaging content.

Expert Review and Validation: Content on undergoes a meticulous review process, involving a team of experts specializing in addiction medicine, mental health treatment, psychology, and public health. Their role is to ensure that the articles are medically accurate, up-to-date, and aligned with the latest research and information related to substance abuse and addiction treatment.

Contributors: boasts a roster of esteemed contributors, including professionals such as:

These experts lend their knowledge and experience to create content that aids individuals on their path to recovery.

Helpline Services: operates a toll-free helpline that connects individuals seeking addiction treatment with AAC employees who specialize in discussing treatment options available through AAC facilities. If AAC cannot offer a suitable treatment option, non-AAC alternatives are suggested. The primary aim is to provide a comprehensive array of treatment choices in one convenient location, simplifying the search for the right treatment center.

Chat Assistance: For those who prefer a more discreet approach, offers a free chat feature. Users interact with an automated assistant representing AAC, which assists in navigating treatment options privately. Direct communication with AAC representatives is also available through this chat service, ensuring that users receive tailored guidance without any obligation to commit to treatment.

Ethical Standards: and AAC are committed to upholding high ethical standards. They prioritize transparency by clearly distinguishing between advertisements and content, and by disclosing AAC's relationship with the website and helpline. Advertisers on the platform must be licensed providers, adhering to criteria similar to those used by SAMHSA's provider directory.

Selecting a Treatment Provider: provides guidance on selecting an appropriate treatment provider, offering a checklist of considerations, including:

The goal is to empower individuals and their families to make informed decisions when choosing a treatment provider.

In conclusion, and American Addiction Centers play pivotal roles in the addiction treatment landscape, serving as comprehensive resources for information, guidance, and support. Their commitment to ethical standards, expert contributions, and a wide range of services reflects their dedication to assisting individuals on their path to recovery.
