Billy Graham Net Worth How Much is Graham Worth?

April 2024 · 11 minute read

Reverend Billy Graham, the world’s best-known and most widely heard Christian evangelist, had an estimated net worth of $25 million at the time of his death. This placed him as the sixth richest pastor in America, behind pastors such as Joel Osteen and Kenneth Copeland. Graham’s wealth mainly came from his book royalties, real estate holdings, and his association with charities like Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

billy graham net worth

Key Takeaways:

Graham’s Early Life and Ministry Career

Born on November 7, 1918, in Charlotte, North Carolina, Billy Graham had a humble beginning that would ultimately lead to a revolutionary ministry career. He pursued his education at Wheaton College in Illinois, where he graduated with a degree in anthropology. This foundation in education would later shape his approach to spreading the teachings of Christianity.

Graham’s passion for ministry led him to serve as a pastor in various churches, honing his skills as a communicator and spiritual leader. In 1945, he took a significant step forward by launching his own radio program, titled Songs in the Night. This platform provided him with a broader reach and the opportunity to share his message with a wider audience.

In 1949, Graham garnered national attention through his highly influential Los Angeles revival meetings. These groundbreaking events lasted for eight weeks, captivating the nation’s attention and attracting media coverage. It was during this period that Graham’s unique style and compelling eloquence solidified his position as a renowned Christian evangelist.

Building on the momentum of his successful revival meetings, Graham founded the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association in 1950. This organization became the foundation of his ministry and a platform through which he advocated for civil rights and peace during the height of the Cold War. Graham’s dedication to spreading the love and teachings of Jesus Christ has left an indelible impact on the religious community.

Throughout his early life and ministry career, Billy Graham exhibited a profound commitment to his faith and a relentless drive to reach as many people as possible. This passion would pave the way for his future accomplishments and make him a revered figure in evangelism.

Graham’s Personal Life and Legacy

Billy Graham’s personal life was characterized by love, commitment, and a strong sense of integrity. He was married to his wife Ruth for nearly 64 years until her passing in 2007. Their marriage was a testament to his unwavering dedication and loyalty, as Graham was known for his commitment to maintaining absolute marital fidelity.

Together, Billy and Ruth Graham had five children, and their family life was marked by love and shared values. Their deep bond and mutual support were instrumental in Graham’s incredible career as an evangelist.

“Our children have known that wherever I am in the world, I am totally Ruth’s.” – Billy Graham

Beyond his personal relationships, Billy Graham had extraordinary influence and impact on a global scale. He met and prayed with every U.S. president since Harry Truman, establishing close relationships with world leaders. Graham’s wisdom and spiritual guidance were sought after by heads of state, demonstrating the profound impact he had on the world stage.

One notable example of his international relationships was his close bond with Queen Elizabeth II. Their friendship was built on mutual respect and a shared Christian faith. Graham’s personal interactions with influential figures amplified his message of love, hope, and peace.

billy graham legacy

In addition to the library, another prominent property owned by the association is the Billy Graham Training Center at the Cove. Nestled in North Carolina’s picturesque Blue Ridge Mountains, this retreat center offers a peaceful environment for spiritual growth and development. It provides a space for individuals to attend conferences, seminars, and training programs aimed at deepening their understanding of the Christian faith.

Billy Graham LibraryCharlotte, North Carolina
Billy Graham Training Center at the CoveNorth Carolina’s Blue Ridge Mountains

These real estate holdings not only served practical purposes but also symbolized Graham’s lasting impact on the world of Christianity. Through these properties, his legacy continues to inspire and engage individuals on their spiritual journeys.

Graham’s Early Career in Sales and Writing

Before becoming an evangelist, Billy Graham embarked on a brief but influential career in sales. He worked for the Fuller Brush Company, where he honed his communication and persuasion skills. This experience would later prove invaluable in his ministry, as Graham would captivate audiences with his eloquence and powerful message.

In addition to his sales ventures, Graham also had a successful career as an author. Throughout his lifetime, he wrote 33 books that touched the lives of millions of readers worldwide. His writings encompassed a wide range of topics, from personal spirituality to global issues, and offered guidance and inspiration to individuals seeking a deeper connection with their faith.

“The very foundation of our life is built on trust in Jesus Christ.”

Some of Graham’s bestselling titles include Just As I Am, Living in God’s Love: The New York Crusade, and The Collected Works of Billy Graham. These books continue to resonate with audiences, capturing the essence of Graham’s teachings and his unwavering commitment to spreading the gospel.

Graham’s early career in sales and writing shaped the path he would ultimately take as a renowned evangelist and prolific author. His experiences in the business world and his literary contributions laid the groundwork for his extraordinary impact on Christianity and the lives of countless individuals.

Graham’s Views on Money and Greed

Billy Graham held strong beliefs regarding money and greed. He firmly believed that greed was a destructive force and that individuals should not derive their satisfaction solely from material wealth. Graham emphasized the importance of integrity and advocated for living a life free from the relentless pursuit of excessive riches.

“Greed exacts a terrible price and causes harm. It blinds people to the true meaning and purpose of life, which is not found in the accumulation of possessions but in the pursuit of meaningful relationships and spiritual fulfillment.”

Graham frequently spoke out against envy and greed, encouraging individuals to prioritize spiritual and moral values over material gain. His teachings serve as a reminder that true wealth lies in noble actions, compassion, and a deep sense of purpose.

billy graham views on money

Billy Graham Quotes on Money and Greed

Throughout his illustrious career, Billy Graham voiced powerful and profound perspectives on money and greed. Here are some notable quotes that reflect his views:

  • “The love of money and the pursuit of material possessions can consume our thoughts, distort our priorities, and ultimately lead to our moral and spiritual downfall.”
  • “The Christian life is not about accumulating wealth or possessions, but about finding contentment and joy in the teachings of Jesus Christ.”
  • “Greed separates us from God and blinds us to the needs of others. It is a barrier to experiencing true fulfillment and purpose in life.”
  • These quotes demonstrate Graham’s unwavering stance against the destructive nature of greed and his unwavering commitment to spiritual and moral principles.

    Graham’s Financial Integrity and Philanthropy

    Billy Graham was a man of impeccable financial integrity and a dedicated philanthropist. He placed great importance on maintaining transparency and accountability in his financial dealings. Graham insisted on auditing his crusades and making the results public to avoid any potential scandals or mismanagement. This commitment to financial integrity earned him the trust and respect of his millions of followers.

    Despite having the opportunity to accumulate significant wealth through his successful career, Graham chose to live a modest lifestyle. He believed in leading by example and avoiding the pitfalls of materialism and greed. Graham’s financial decisions were driven by his faith and the principles he upheld. He viewed money as a tool for doing good and making a positive impact rather than as a means of personal gain.

    Billy Graham’s philanthropic efforts were far-reaching and impactful. He was deeply committed to supporting charitable organizations and causes that aligned with his Christian beliefs. Graham’s association with organizations such as Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association allowed him to channel his resources towards humanitarian work and spreading the message of Christianity.

    “It is not the size of our gift that matters to God, but the size of our heart and our willingness to give.”

    Through his philanthropy, Graham touched the lives of millions of people around the world. His contributions went beyond monetary donations, as he actively participated in various charitable initiatives and personally dedicated himself to helping those in need. Graham’s relentless pursuit of doing good continues to inspire others to make a difference in their communities and beyond.

    Overall, Billy Graham’s financial integrity and philanthropy exemplify his unwavering commitment to living a life of purpose and service. He truly understood the importance of using his resources for the betterment of others and leaving a positive impact on society.

    billy graham philanthropy image

    Graham’s Funeral and Legacy

    When Billy Graham passed away at the age of 99, he was honored with a funeral service and laid to rest in the prayer garden at the Billy Graham Library beside his wife. His funeral was attended by numerous political leaders and dignitaries, highlighting the significant impact he had on society. Graham’s legacy as a prominent evangelist and his contributions to the world of Christianity continue to shape the faith of millions of individuals around the globe.

    “The greatest legacy one can pass on to one’s children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one’s life, but rather a legacy of character and faith.”

    – Billy Graham

    Billy Graham’s Lasting Influence

    Billy Graham, renowned for his evangelistic efforts, has left an indelible mark on Christianity that continues to resonate even after his passing. With his unparalleled ability to connect with audiences through television, radio, and live events, Graham reached billions of people around the world, making him one of the most influential Christian figures in history. His unwavering commitment to spreading the Gospel and advocating for peace and social justice has had a lasting impact on individuals and communities.

    Graham’s teachings and writings continue to serve as a source of inspiration and guidance for countless individuals in their faith journey. His powerful messages of hope, love, and forgiveness have transcended time, touching the hearts and minds of people from all walks of life. Through his evangelistic efforts, Graham ignited a spiritual awakening and revitalized the belief in the transformative power of Christianity.

    As a legendary figure in the realm of evangelism, Billy Graham’s influence extends far beyond his earthly existence. His profound dedication to spreading the Good News and his unwavering commitment to sharing God’s love have not only shaped the lives of individuals but have also left an indelible imprint on the trajectory of Christianity as a whole. Billy Graham’s lasting influence is a testament to his remarkable legacy and his unwavering impact on the world.


    How much was Billy Graham worth?

    Billy Graham had an estimated net worth of $25 million at the time of his death.

    Where did Billy Graham’s wealth come from?

    Graham’s wealth mainly came from his book royalties, real estate holdings, and his association with charities like Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

    What was Billy Graham’s early life like?

    Billy Graham was born on November 7, 1918, in Charlotte, North Carolina. He attended college at Wheaton College in Illinois and graduated with a degree in anthropology before beginning his ministry career.

    What impact did Billy Graham have as an evangelist?

    Billy Graham reached over 210 million people in 185 countries and territories around the world, making him one of the most widely heard Christian evangelists. His legacy is marked by his immense impact on the world of Christianity.

    How was Billy Graham’s net worth evaluated?

    While the exact details of Billy Graham’s net worth are not publicly known, estimates suggest that he had a net worth of $25 million at the time of his death based on his real estate holdings, book royalties, and the revenues of the charities associated with him.

    What is the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association?

    The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association was founded by Billy Graham in 1950 and continues to operate today. It is involved in various ministries and outreach programs, including publishing books, producing television and radio programs, and organizing evangelistic events.

    Did Billy Graham own real estate?

    Yes, Billy Graham owned various real estate holdings throughout his lifetime, including a mountaintop compound in Montreat, North Carolina, and properties used for museums, libraries, and religious training centers.

    What was Billy Graham’s early career before becoming an evangelist?

    Before becoming an evangelist, Billy Graham worked briefly as a salesman for the Fuller Brush Company. He also had a successful career as an author, writing 33 books throughout his lifetime.

    What were Billy Graham’s views on money and greed?

    Billy Graham believed that greed was destructive and emphasized the importance of living a life free from the pursuit of excessive riches. He often spoke out against envy and greed, stating that they caused harm.

    Was Billy Graham known for his financial integrity and philanthropy?

    Yes, Billy Graham was known for his financial integrity and philanthropic efforts. He insisted on auditing and making his crusades public to avoid potential scandals. He lived a modest lifestyle and gave generously to charities.

    What was Billy Graham’s legacy?

    Billy Graham’s legacy is marked by his immense impact as an evangelist and his contributions to the world of Christianity. His organization, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, continues to spread his message today.

    How did Billy Graham influence the world?

    Billy Graham’s evangelistic efforts reached billions of people through television, radio, and live events, making him one of the most influential Christian figures in history. His teachings and writings continue to inspire and guide individuals in their faith.
