The Weirdest Movie Franchises That Were Turned Into Kids' Cartoons

March 2024 ยท 1 minute read

When asked what is best in this life, Conan famously replied "To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, to hear the Lamentations of their women, and to do it all over a bowl of delicious Alpha-Bits cereal."

Conan isn't really anybody's idea of a role model. The dude loves to bust stuff up, steal, pillage, and stab. Frankly, he's kind of a jerk. But you know what else he is? A property with name recognition. Hence, Conan the Adventurer.

The Conan from Robert E. Howard's stories might have been a mercenary/pirate/all around living-up-to-the-name barbarian who strangled a king and took his throne, but the Conan in the cartoon was more interested in by-the-numbers episodic adventuring and hanging out with his hi-larious talking animal sidekick, Needle the phoenix. Was it bad? Well, art is subjective, but yes. It sucked. Still, they made enough episodes to reach syndication, so good for everybody, you know?
