The Meaning Behind The Song: High for Hours by J. Cole

March 2024 · 7 minute read

J. Cole is a rapper who has become well-known for his socially conscious lyrics. His song “High for Hours” is no exception. Released in 2017, it delves into political and social issues that have been at the forefront of the news for several years. The lyrics tackle topics such as police brutality, the criminal justice system, and racism.

Table of Contents

The Lyrics: An Overview

The song begins with J. Cole reflecting on his past, specifically his education. He mentions how he learned about Christopher Columbus and George Washington in school, but he never learned about the contributions of black people. He then moves on to discuss the issue of police brutality. He references the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown, two black men who were killed by police officers.

J. Cole also touches on the prison industrial complex, the system by which a large number of Americans are incarcerated, and the ways that this system disproportionately affects communities of color.

The chorus of the song is particularly noteworthy. J. Cole raps,

“I had reasons for why we was believin’
I know that shit, it wasn’t all true
Look at our history, it’s no mystery
Everything we been through
You know I adore you
I’m craziest for you”

This is a statement about the American Dream and how it has been sold to people. J. Cole is saying that the history we have been taught is not accurate, and that there are reasons for why we believe certain things. But he also acknowledges the love he has for his country.

The Significance of the Song

“High for Hours” is significant because it takes on issues that are often ignored or dismissed by the mainstream. It brings attention to the way that America has been built on the oppression of marginalized communities. J. Cole is using his platform to speak out and make a statement about the current state of the country.

The song also highlights the importance of education and how the way that history is taught can shape our beliefs. J. Cole’s lyrics are a call to arms to not just accept what we have been taught, but to question it and seek the truth.

The Influence of J. Cole’s Personal Life

J. Cole has often spoken about growing up in a low-income community in Fayetteville, North Carolina. This background has influenced his music and his willingness to speak out about social and political issues. In an interview with NPR, he said, “I felt like I was awakened to what was going on around me and I was a little bit more sharp in that sense […] I had a teacher who was like, ‘You can be somebody in this life.'”

This experience is reflected in his lyrics, which often focus on the struggles faced by many Americans. “High for Hours” is just one example of J. Cole using his voice to bring light to important issues.

The Intersection of Politics and Music

Throughout history, music has been a way for artists to express their political beliefs. From Bob Dylan to Public Enemy, musicians have used their platform to call attention to social injustice. “High for Hours” is just one example of the ways in which hip-hop artists today are continuing this tradition.

In recent years, hip-hop has become increasingly political. Many artists have taken a stand against police brutality, racism, and other issues. This trend is reflective of the way that social and political issues have become more prominent in the national conversation.


“High for Hours” is a thought-provoking song that tackles important social and political issues. J. Cole’s lyrics are a call to action for his listeners to seek the truth and question what they have been taught. The song also highlights the importance of education and the intersection of politics and music.

Frequently Asked Questions

What inspired J. Cole to write “High for Hours”?

J. Cole has often spoken about growing up in Fayetteville, North Carolina and how his experiences there have influenced his music. He has also been vocal about his political beliefs and the importance of using his platform to bring attention to social issues.

What is the significance of the chorus?

The chorus is significant because it speaks to the idea of the American Dream and how it has been sold to people. J. Cole is saying that the history we have been taught is not accurate, but that he still loves his country.

What does J. Cole mean by the line “I had reasons for why we was believin'”?

J. Cole is referring to the fact that the history we have been taught is not accurate. He is saying that there are reasons why we believe certain things, but that we should question those beliefs and seek the truth.

What is the prison industrial complex?

The prison industrial complex refers to the ways in which the government and private companies profit from the imprisonment of citizens. It has been criticized for targeting communities of color and perpetuating racism.

Why is education important to J. Cole?

J. Cole has spoken about the importance of education and how it can shape our beliefs. He has also been critical of the education system and the way that history is taught.

What is the message behind “High for Hours”?

The message behind “High for Hours” is that we should question what we have been taught and seek the truth. J. Cole is also calling attention to important social and political issues.

Why is hip-hop becoming more political?

Hip-hop has always had political undertones, but in recent years it has become more explicit. This is reflective of the way that social and political issues have become more prominent in the national conversation.

How has J. Cole’s background influenced his music?

J. Cole grew up in a low-income community in Fayetteville, North Carolina. This experience has influenced his music and his willingness to speak out about social and political issues.

Why is it important for musicians to use their platform to address social issues?

Musicians have a unique platform to reach a large audience. By using their platform to address social issues, they can raise awareness and inspire change.

What is the legacy of politically conscious hip-hop?

Politically conscious hip-hop has had a significant impact on the genre and on culture as a whole. It has brought attention to important issues and inspired social change.

What role does history play in “High for Hours”?

History plays an important role in “High for Hours” because J. Cole is questioning the accuracy of what we have been taught. He is calling attention to the ways in which history has been manipulated and how this has shaped our beliefs.

What is the American Dream?

The American Dream is a concept that refers to the idea that anyone can achieve success through hard work and determination. It has been criticized for perpetuating inequality and ignoring systemic barriers.

Why is J. Cole calling attention to police brutality and racism?

Police brutality and racism are issues that have been at the forefront of the news for several years. J. Cole is using his platform to call attention to these issues and inspire change.
