The Truth About John David And Abbie Duggar's Marriage

April 2024 · 2 minute read

When you grow up in a family as large as John David Duggar's, it's statistically impossible to not develop a close relationship with at least one of your siblings. Over the years, we've learned that John David is less outspoken than some of his siblings, like no-filter tomboy Joy-Anna Forsyth (née Duggar) or sassy prankster Josiah Duggar. Instead, he has earned a reputation as a go-with-the-flow guy who gets along with pretty much all of his siblings, particularly twin Jana Duggar. Jana appears to return the sentiment, writing in an Instagram post that she "couldn't have asked for a better twin to go through life with."

Luckily for John David, there's no sister-in-law drama here. From the get-go, Abbie fit right in with John David's sisters, particularly Jana. Both Jana and Abbie are low-key older siblings who understand what it's like to be the last man standing — in a September 2020 "Counting On" confessional, Abbie shared that she, too, was the oldest unmarried sibling in her family before meeting John David. She told fans that she knew what it was like to be "left up at the top, just plugging away at life" while other siblings flew the coop, per InTouch. Their friendship at least gives Jana the chance to get out of the house — after raising her siblings, babysitting one baby probably seems like a well-earned break.
